
What tattoos symbolize the girls?

tattoos symbolize the girls

Tattoo today is a way of expression. With the body figure, you can reveal their views on life, nature, describe their mood and condition in a particular period, to capture emotions, memorable moments and describe your dream, finally. Modern girls are not less appreciated tattoo than men, and adorn the body with all sorts of signs and symbols.

As a "platform" for tattoo girls often choose such areas of the body: ankle, lower leg, wrist, lower back, scapula, clavicle, neck, lower part of the abdomen. They are easy to cover with clothes, and open — to the situation.

Tattoo — a companion for life, so the choice of the sketch must be approached not only with emotions but also to include reason. To understand what you want to say, you are ready to go with this motto in life or is it just a spontaneous emotion. If you feel the need to body figure, you have an idea, but you don't know how to correctly formulate and to Express in the language of art, master of tattoo parlor — to help you.


The most popular roses and lilies. Rose — a symbol of the feminine and vivid nature, striving for beauty and perfection. It is suitable for individuals purposeful and characteristic, because in addition to beautiful flower rose has its thorn. Unopened Bud, delicate shades of blue can be interpreted as the purity, youth and potential.

The Lily is considered the oldest symbol of peace and expresses the purity, youth, fragility and tenderness. This is typical of white flowers. If stuffed tiger Lily is talking about thinking outside the box, originality of personality and creative approach to life.


The tattoo speaks for itself and represents love in its various appearances. Broken or bleeding heart tells of the unfortunate experience a couple of hearts or a heart with the name about the passion and loyalty to the partner. Often heart choose to Express love of life.

Feather and wings

Reflects ease and freedom. Suitable for girls with a light and cheerful disposition, creative types and aspiring to freedom of expression. As a rule, choose pictures one or two shades, but colorful characters, like a peacock feather, look very impressive. Friends are the image of wings. Along with everything else they symbolize purity, flight of ideas, enthusiasm and inspiration, striving for excellence and perfection.


Tattoo can include an image of only one bird or a flock. Choosing this symbolism, the girl speaks of the love of freedom, the world and its constant quest for spiritual growth.

The symbolism varies depending on the species. If this owl of its "mistress" wise, thoughtful and a charming personality, introspective and appreciate personal space. Hummingbird is the complete opposite. This bird is light, active and cheerful nature, radiating love to all the world. The dove is another popular tattoo among girls. In addition to the symbolism of the world, is a manifestation of purity and hope. Mythical creatures like the Phoenix, symbolize a rebirth, a new beginning in life, the ability to fight out of the situation victorious.


Describes the girl as a beauty lover, the owner of an easy character, her desire for vibrant life and change.


Symbolizes purity, love, spirituality, peace, love, and sometimes some loss. The cherubim are seen as guardians that protect from the surrounding evil and adversity.

The stars and constellations

Talking about the brightness of the personality, its originality, the desire for attention and recognition.


In ancient times the tattoo was popular among sailors as a talisman. This function it performs to this day. But in addition, the anchor represents a strong character, a solid rod of a personality, the adoption of some important decisions, understanding yourself and your purpose. It can also symbolize the opposite — to find myself and my place in the world.


Like the mythical creature it represents strength, longevity, wisdom, rebellion, wealth and prosperity.

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