
How old do tattoos?

How old do tattoos

Tattoos in our country are allowed to do at 18. Minor to get a figure on the body is possible only with the consent of parents (guardians) and in the presence of one of them. Therefore, in the cabin, valuing its reputation, you may request passport and, if you don't meet the age requirements, send for the parents.

In good salons these rules are set not by chance: reaching the age of majority, a person acquires full legal capacity and liability for their actions. In addition, the age stops the growth of the body – tattoo, done in the period of active growth, may eventually be deformed and displaced, which, of course, spoil the appearance and the overall impression of the image of its owner.

Also teenagers tend impulsive and boyish. Perpetuating your body in different phrases, names, etc., they do not even want to think about the fact that after a few years of their life and Outlook can change significantly. Tattoo rashly made in his youth, can bring a lot of diverse problems in adulthood: emotional, causing negative associations to social – interfering with employment and so on.

Only a serious approach and thorough pre-study of issues related to tattooing will provide you the desired result and eliminate problems in the future. So, if you are under 18 years of age and parents do not support you in the pursuit to become the owner of the tattoo, in any case, don't expose yourself to the perceived risk, trusting my body homegrown "masters." Most likely, very soon you will be grateful to my parents for saving you from a rash step. But if your desire to do the most cherished tattoo only gets stronger – gave her as a present on coming of age!

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