To make the scar tattoo may be the only way to restore the lost attractiveness of the body after injury, surgery and disease. In this article we will tell you how not to hurt yourself and not to cause the appearance of tumors and new diseases. Entertaining collection of photos and sketches will help you to choose the right pattern and see how easy it is to disguise any scar.
Is it possible to do a tattoo on the scars?
Scars, scars and stretch marks in the first place psychologically unpleasant and give rise to a number of complexes. Not every defect can be removed using laser therapy or resurfacing, however, the tattoo will not always be the right decision.
Atrophic scars
Scars a whitish tint (can be x-rayed blood vessels) are below the level of the skin and soft to the touch. Appear after simple operations, burns or deep cuts and after acne. To this kind belong and stretching of the skin that occur subsequently, sudden weight loss, long-term use of hormonal medicines after childbirth.

Girls to tattoo on the scar from caesarean section or appendicitis on the belly often choose the composition of the large flowers, when the scar is oblong in the middle, framed by petals. Skin defect can be present as a shadow that falls from the stalk of the vine, cherry or peacock feather. It is important that the paint not to be scar.
To select a picture for stretch marks will be harder, especially when the damage area is large. Because of the many small stripes will be hard to choose a simple composition.
It is better to give preference to the more complex and surround the picture with a small number of small parts to play with colors, shadows and transitions. Nice birdies on a branch with leaves and flowers, a rose with wings, cheetahs, Sakura. Will be nice to look like a tattoo on the scar on his stomach in the Japanese style, especially in men. Dragons, abstract, Celtic motifs, portraits will work, you can use numerous shades of black and gray.
However, keep in mind that stretch marks can increase, and appear on other parts of the body, so before the procedure it is better to consult a doctor to know the cause of this skin defect. It is better to prevent the appearance of new breaks in elastin fibers, otherwise the tattoo on the scar can be distorted, stretched.
Normotroficheskie scars
The scars are flat, a few shades lighter than the skin located on her level. They appear subsequently, shallow cuts, minor burns, surgery, when the surgery is performed on the epidermis, are not damaged acellular layer (basement membrane) and deep layers of the skin. The scars are practically imperceptible, but still influence the self-image and beauty. To choose the design much easier, however, monochrome images are better not to apply: you can change the color. Leaves, butterflies, Celtic designs, birds tattoos on the scars on the girl's hand will look very attractive. Nice tattoo, executed in white paint.
Hypertrophic scars
Dark scars, protruding on the surface of the skin. They appear after a major surgical intervention, severe burns, severe injuries. Scars can form due to complications and suppuration of simple wounds, especially in the areas of the bends of the joints, and hereditary predisposition.
Tattoo on hypertrophic scars can cause undesirable, but if no other choice, be sure to consult with your doctor. Cells of the rumen is able to absorb a sufficient amount of paint, which is very harmful to the body. To put the image, enter as much of the pigment, how much would be enough for 2-3 images! Hard to find figure, because the scar is above the level of the skin. The tattoo needs to go beyond its contours, it is best to use several colors with numerous shades: tree with flowers and a Hummingbird, dragon or a monster overseas. An experienced master will be able to turn a growth in dignity: the image will appear three-dimensional and attractive.
Colloidal scars
Crisp, like cartilage, of education, more like a tumor than a scar. They have a bumpy surface is pink, reddish or purple color, which gradually increases and goes beyond the skin damage. They not only mutilate man but may be accompanied by itching and irritation. The causes of such scars has not been studied. Often colloid formation observed in people with a genetic predisposition, can occur after minor injuries and cuts, body piercing, or simple puncture of the ear lobe for earrings, several years later!
Most agree that the tattoos on these scars is not recommended. If, after a long and successful procedures will leave a scar, paint for body pictures can trigger the growth of new education, and even lead to the emergence of malignant tumors.
Birthmarks and papillomas
Below these formations is many blood capillaries. Any intervention in most cases provokes the appearance of cancer cells. A good master always avoided such places, skillfully situating them in underwear picture. The tattoo on his birthmarks are dangerous to health and life, but if you really want, it is better to seek the advice of oncodermatology and pass the necessary tests. Do not neglect the advice of doctors, even if you do not plan to completely hammer pattern.
Features tattoos on scars
- You cannot make drawings on fresh scars, they should be fully tightened. After the wound healed, you need to wait 6-12 months, it is best to do the tattoo in the second year. The fresh scar picture may not be or with time shift, the procedure will be painful, there is a danger of complications.
- Choosing the wizard, note the pictures of tattoos on scars. Rate the quality, and in fact to reduce body undesirable pictures. After the procedure, the scar can increase.
- Tissue scarring perceive differently the pigment than healthy skin. The image may be of a completely different shade than planned.
- It is better to abandon monochrome images, and to choose 3-4 colors and to work on their shades. Good camouflage scars subtle transitions, partial shade, highlights and shadows. You should not choose pictures among Polynesian, Indian motifs, inscriptions, hieroglyphics, small images in the form of hearts and stars. It is undesirable to apply too large of composition: skin defect is too noticeable.
- The structure of the rumen is heterogeneous, with hollows and bumps, the paint may not stick, so the image will be ready in a few sessions. The pigment in the affected area may lose its brightness earlier than on healthy skin often have to adjust.
- In order not to regret done on scar tattoo, you need to consider temporal changes in the damaged area of the body, will familiarise with recommendations of experts. Since the nerves are near the updated of the epidermis, the procedure is slightly more painful than on healthy skin.
- If you do not want to fill pattern for life, you can use a temporary tattoo with henna. The ornament rests on the body up to 3 weeks.
- If the doctors do not advise to do a tattoo, do not despair. The master can beat a flaw, to make it less noticeable, to focus on the figure.
- Scars can appear after removing underwear pictures. To make a tattoo without scars is only possible with a laser.