Tattoo style biomechanics appeared in 80-ies of the last century in the United States, but became particularly popular in the early 2000-ies, symbolizing a new era in the development of mankind, when life has become impossible without robots, technology, electronics and fancy gadgets. The implication of tattoos this style is a huge human potential, its infinite possibilities, supported by progress.
A tattoo in the style of biomechanics, directly or indirectly copying works of Swiss artist H. R. Giger, representative of "fantastic realism". If you think that you are not familiar with the work of this artist, then you are surely mistaken - he participated as a designer in the filming of the movie "Alien", which became a cult. Giger came up with in the movie an eerie look fantastic aliens.
The most popular tattoo designs in the style of biomechanics are as follows: torn through human flesh lurking motor parts of any mechanism or complex mechanical structures. The mechanical components look as realistic as possible, thoroughly depicted all the elements: pistons, springs, gears, nuts, wires, etc.
If you view the photo, which shows the tattoos in the style of biomechanics, it is possible to trace the evolution of this style: at first, these tattoos are depicted in monochrome, in black with shades of gray. Now the manner of the image of biomechanical tattoo has changed: work became more complex and dimensional, with a drawing of the smallest details, often executed in color, with sharp transitions of tones and semitones. Another detail modern tattoo style biomechanics: torn flesh began to pick out more details, see the tendons, muscles, bone fragments, combined with mechanical parts.
Most often tattoo style made on the biomechanics of the hand, namely on the shoulder. This option is tattoo acquires expressiveness due to the natural, anatomical topography of the biceps. Tattoo on the forearm most often made from the inside out, continued from the wrist to the elbow joint. Tattoos are becoming dynamic due to the fact that human hands are in motion
Also a tattoo in the style of biomechanics advantageous to look at the leg. And here there are differences by gender. Girls often biomechanical tattoos on hip, and men have a tattoo on the Shin. Representatives of the strong half of mankind often choose a more brutal variant of biomechanics: more mechanisms, more precisely drawn muscles.
I love this tattoo biomechanics of the chest, in the region of the heart depicting the cardiac muscle of a person "working" at the expense of the mechanisms. Another option – a heart encircled with metal bands and closed on the lock. A tattoo can symbolize a once broken heart, now closed to the castle from all worldly passions.
Tattoo in the style of the biomechanics of the most popular in European culture and at the same time they are equally treated in all continents is a Testament to the unity and progress of technology.
Tattoo in the style of biomechanics, tattoo photo and sketches:
