In the middle of the last century, the art appeared a new term – Brut. First it was used by French painter and art collector Jean Dubuffet. These words he described the single style of his collection of art and sculptural works, "raw or rough art." After all, the main common feature that unites all the elements of his collection – they were created by non-professional artists.
The special charm of the collection Dubuffet and adds that all of the unrecognized master of the brush and canvas have been recognized by the society of the marginalized – the disabled, the crazy, socially anxious, prison inmates and other individuals upon which society is struggling to be isolated. But their social status allows these people to create real "rough" art, to look at the world now, not enclosing itself into the framework of public standards.
Style Brut is free from any standards or trends in culture, it is a natural spontaneous impulse of the artist. That is why it is often called "raw" art, because it is not temporal, cultural, fashion "processing". No standards of beauty, the artist, in fact, paints, the sculptor sculpts the way they see the world. It is for the reasons listed above, the style of art Brut is often called outsider art.
Today Brut is firmly occupied its niche among the many styles that exist already far not the first century. But his relative youth and a certain naivety did not prevent Brut become a serious trend in art. In many cities around the world has opened a Museum, which displays works of famous sculptors, artists working in this technique.
In contemporary art today, perhaps we can include the tattoo, because some drawings on the body look really masterpiece and they would belong in a Museum hanging, if they did not bore some lucky guy. Many artistic styles are reflected in the tattoo, was not an exception and art Brut.
The main enemy art Brut – mainstream, that is, something blindly follow standards and cultural trends. Therefore, even tattoos art Brut seem more extraordinary. This tattoo can learn from – no banal snarling wolves or Chinese dragons, rather, children's drawings, seasoned with hard subjects and bright colors.
Although to highlight some specific characteristic of art Brut features, perhaps not. Every master has their own vision of drawings, your own unique style. Moreover, art Brut can be divided even on the map – in different countries like different features – where it is more prone to realism, to color the imagination, but, on the contrary, to a black and white chart.
On tattoo style art Brut will be solved not all. The tattoo itself is a bold step, and trust applied to the body almost eternal figure of the artistic vision of the master is a tremendous responsibility. After all, the client is given the choice of only the main features of the future drawing – the plot, the colors, the technique. But the whole work belongs to "brush" the master tattoo artist, because tattoos are presented as true works of art, one of a kind and unique.
Tattoo style art Brut, photos and sketches:
